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  • 2017-02-18



    「活字生香」漢字文化體驗展 」2017年2月18日的開幕典禮,邀請到中央人民政府駐香港特別行政區聯絡辦公室副主任楊健先生、中央人民政府駐香港特別行政區聯絡辦公室宣傳文體部副部長羅江先生、香港民政事務局副局長許曉暉女士、全國政協常委兼中國書法家協會主席蘇士澍先生、香港非物質文化遺產諮詢委員會主席鄭培凱教授、中國書協香港分會主席施子清博士、聯合出版(集團)有限公司董事長兼總裁文宏武先生、饒宗頤文化館名譽館長陳萬雄博士親臨主禮,經過簡單而隆重的開幕剪綵儀式後,更邀請了一位小朋友去體驗開幕式遊戲「字如其人」,最後各位主禮嘉賓及現場來賓即席來一次新春開筆,寫出今次的展題「活字生香」四個字 ,為展覽正式揭開序幕。


  • 2019-04-01

    DIY Chinese Characters Stone Rubbing

    DIY Woodcut Print of Beautiful Apsara

    DIY Stone Engraving of Chinese Zodiac

  • 2019-03-01
  • 2019-01-31
  • 2018-12-12

  • 2017-02-24



  • 2019-01-12
  • 2017-02-20

    【大公報訊】記者張浚東報導:大約西元前三五○○年,文字出現在人類歷史中。儘管楔形文字、聖書字(即古埃及文字)、瑪雅文字早已先後失傳或不再使用,漢字這一同樣古老的文字,卻隨著時代更迭與技術發展不斷演變並沿用至今。漢字不僅是一種語言交流工具,亦承載了悠久的華夏文明。而當影像、音樂,乃至人工智慧(Artificial Intelligence, 簡稱AI)與之結合時,漢字與我們之間又將產生多少種可能呢?

    二月十八日下午,一場名為“活字生香─漢字的世界 世界的漢字”的文化體驗展覽于饒宗頤文化館正式開幕,亦是該主題巡展在內地之外的第一站。今次展覽包含了六個體驗區,即“主題區”、“漢字故事”、“大美漢字”、“字在生活”、“漢字能量達人”、“小倉頡DIY手作藝想空間”。在為期三個多月的展期中,參與者將可透過觀摩動畫、人工智慧互動遊戲、DIY等多種體驗方式,感受漢字之美及蘊藏其中的文化底蘊。
  • 2017-02-18





  • 2017-01-18

    We will co-organize activities, including experiencing the serenity of writing Chinese calligraphy, with Eslite@HK on 9/F Forum at Causeway Bay Store on 25 Feb 2017 from 16:00-18:00.

  • About Exhibition



     – 31th Dec

    Opening Hours

    Tues. to Sun.10am – 6pm (Closed on Mon.)


    1/F, Block F, Jao Tsung-I Academy,

    800 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong



  • Location & Access

    Address:800 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

    Click and go:

    View details

Appointment instructions
Activity Booking







Appointment Phone:(852)21002828

Group Visit


2.其他團體預約請撥打 (852) 2100 2828垂詢。


4.每天至多接待三場,時間分別為:am1000-1200pm1:00-3:00;  pm3:00-5:00



7.如有特殊諮詢,請電(852) 2100 2828與本館職員聯絡。


本人/ 機構已閱讀參觀須知,並遵守文化館的一切安排。

Appointment Phone(852)21002828

  • A:

    This exhibition is entitled “The Vivid World of Chinese Characters”. 

    The "Vivid" describes the vitality and viability of Chinese characters through the display of Chinese culture to the people of Hong Kong. We hope to share the beauty of this exploration with more people.

  • A:

    The exhibition is divided into different zones. Using a 3-D navigable space, this exhibition explicit the vitality and viability of Hanzi through three-dimensional rendering.

    Before entering the exhibition hall, the Prelude Zone begins downstairs with a guiding system, stairway image area and theme display area, to create a relaxing atmosphere of Chinese characters. This program will rekindle enthusiasm for the native language and to stimulate the learning interest of audience. The Development Zone includes three areas: Story of Chinese Characters, Chinese Characters in Our Daily Life and The Beauty of Chinese Characters. The audience will be moved by the wisdom and beauty of Chinese characters. The Climax Zone demonstrates The Powerful You and Cang-jie Shop. Here, the audience can experience how Chinese characters can bring more fun to life through practice, exploration and to be motivated to create their own work.

  • A:

    The element of this exhibition is Chinese characters and the content is a variety of knowledge and applications related to it.  This exhibition combines a variety of interactive displays, leisure and education activities, all together to present the wisdom and beauty of Chinese.

    1) Self-guided: The use of intuitive and rich display (e.g. pictures, video, real objects and interactive activities, etc.) and the use of simple Chinese and English words, are comprehensive to wider audiences even for non-Chinese audience.

    2) Visualization: The exhibition panels, theme walls, graphic design and use of multimedia make a visual impact.

    3) Down-to-earth: 60% of the exhibition will transform knowledge into intuitive and easy content that are connected to daily life.

    4) Innovative technology: Design team with an international perspective, using the latest AI technology, combining with innovative, experiential, participatory and visually-dynamic ways, will illustrate the core values of this exhibition.

    5) A variety of DIY activities:In addition to a variety of interactive display and rich DIY activities (From hands-on production to encourage creativity, commemorative take away and to sharing result), it deepens the exhibition experience and enhances the cultural appeal for the audience.

    6) Localization: Local features, such as neon signboard, Cantonese characters and slang, are displayed to interact with Chinese culture in Hong Kong.  Also, "Hanzi Tree" written by Professor Jao Tsung-I, a renowned sinologist, is included in the content of the exhibition.

    7) Cultural exchange: showing the commonalities and characteristics of different civilizations through the development of different text around the world.
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